Heal Your Heart. Transform Your Life.

RELEASE what no longer serves you, breaking down the barriers that make you feel disconnected from your heart’s desires.

Through the Turmoils of Life We Can Build Up A Wall…

Imagine that your heart is not just a physical organ, but also the home of your deepest feelings, desires, and true self. Over time, due to life's inevitable ups and downs, this home can get packed with emotional baggage—hurt from past relationships, grief, unmet expectations, and more. These emotional burdens can build up, creating an invisible energetic wall around your heart. This is called a "heart wall,". It's as if your heart has put up a shield for protection. However, this shield can keep out the bad and the good, including love, joy, and connection.

Determining if You Have a Heart-Wall

If you answer yes to one or more of the questions below, you may have a Heart-Wall.

  • Have you been injured emotionally in the past?

  • Have you felt an emotional heaviness in your heart, as though your heart was breaking?

  • Do you feel you can’t fully experience peace, joy or happiness?

  • Is it challenging for you to deeply connect with others?

  • Are you challenged with connect romantically?

  • Do you feel closed off to receiving love and care?

  • Do you often feel lonely or isolated?

  • Do you feel a heaviness or discomfort in your chest, neck, or shoulders? 

The Heart Wall Release & Healing Package provides energetic clearing that helps you:

  • Reconnect with your true feelings and desires, breaking down the barriers that make you feel stuck or disconnected from yourself and others.

  • Revitalize your ability to give and receive love, enhancing relationships and opening you up to new opportunities for connection.

  • Renew your emotional health, leading to improved overall well-being, as emotional burdens are lifted, making way for healing and growth.

This offering is designed to guide you through a transformative journey with compassion. Through a combination of intuitive guidance, tailored emotional healing techniques, and ongoing support, we'll work together to identify and release the emotional baggage from your heart that's been holding you back from receiving all the desires of your heart.

What’s Included

  • 30 Minute Intro Call: A deep dive into your emotional history to identify key contributors to your heart wall.

  • Four 45 min. Tailored Energy Healing Sessions: Energy healing techniques and exercises specifically chosen for you to help release these emotional blocks and reconnect to your heart.

  • What’sApp Support: What’s App access for regular check-ins between sessions to ensure you're feeling supported and adjust our approach as needed.

The Outcome: Imagine waking up feeling lighter, more open, and ready to experience life's joys and challenges with a resilient, unguarded heart. That's what heart wall release and healing can do for you.

“After working with Nichole, I feel more like my true self and an openness I haven't felt before. She was able to pinpoint the deeper layers of my heart wall and start releasing them. Her compassionate and intuitive guidance created a safe space where I could process difficult emotions and finally experience a shift.”


“When I met Nichole I had just walked away from a 2-year narcissistic relationship. I was depressed and felt broken. After releasing my heart wall with Nichole, I did a 180. I became a totally different person and getting back to all the things I did before the relationship. Nichole is amazing and I believe is God-sent, doing God's work by helping people heal.”


Ready to Heal Your Heart?

Click the link below to book a complimentary 20 minute connection call.